“The time is always right to do what is right.” – MLK JR.

The time is always right to comfort those who are hurting, fight against injustice, and be a light in the darkness. The time is always right to declare the truth of God’s Word and speak up for those who have no voice.

There are many rights that this generation is fighting for, and with good reason! The right to clean water, food, and shelter are all universal rights. The right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion are American rights.

However, there is one right that transcends all others. Not to the neglect of all others, but as the connecting factor that interweaves them together. It is The Human Right; the one right that every person has regardless of age, social status, or birthright. The Human Right unifies all believers together under a common cause, which transcends generational differences and human imposed boundaries. This urgent truth must not be ignored as we fight against the injustices of our world.

The Human Right is the most essential right – The right to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!  Romans 10:14-15

Every student in your school and every individual in your community has the right to know Jesus intimately. According to this Scripture, we must go into our world and be an advocate for the most important cause of all.

How do we do this?

Love people. Fight the good fight of faith. Be unafraid to stand for God. Preach the Gospel. Refuse to remain silent. Function as a missionary.

Here are some practical tips on sharing your faith:

  • Pray with passion – (Colossians 4:3) Be grounded in the word and in your personal prayer time. Also, pray passionately and regularly for your school whether at church, a small group, a Bible club, prayer meeting, or in your bedroom. Nothing happens without prayer!
  • Pursue your friends in love – (Colossians 4:5) Jesus met the needs of the lost and hopeless. As a result, they recognized that he loved them. Love the lost and they will come to you when they are in need of truth.
  • Persuade your friends with truth – (Colossians 4:6) Know scripture so that you can be ready in all seasons to share the Gospel. Use the following acronym as a road map to leading the lost into relationship with Christ and praying the salvation prayer:


God created us to be with him

Our sin separates us from God

Sins cannot be removed by good deeds

Paying the price for sin, Jesus died & rose again

Everyone who surrenders to him has eternal life

Life with Jesus starts now!


That which we are passionate about we will fight for. What are you passionate about? While fighting for the pressing needs in our generation, DON’T EVER neglect to fight for The Human Right.

In the words of MLK Jr., “The time is always right to do what is right.” Will you advocate for the most transcendent need of our generation? Will you link arms with others from all over the country and advocate for The Human Right? Will you pray with passion, pursue in love, and persuade with the truth of the Gospel?


THE CHALLEGE: Become a Campus Missionary

and advocate for The Human Right

  • Become a Campus Missionary who commits to being a leader on God’s mission to their school. Click on this link to learn more and sign up – pfyouthalive.com
  • We also encourage you to join The Human Right. This movement is the motivating factor behind becoming a Campus Missionary. Simply text VOICE to 67463.


Written by:
Natalie Barnoske
Youth Alive Missionary/Evangelist
Co-Founder of Generation Outcry International